More details will be posted soon about ideas for our 50-year reunion!
50-Year Reunion Ideas!
Destination Reunion (A place within an 1.5 hour drive from Lake Jackson)
Reunion Cruise out of Galveston (Most likely a 3-day cruise)
Keep it somewhere local
Reunion Survey,we will post a form shortly for your give us your comments on the ideas above and additional suggestion for our 50-year reunion.
Why You Should Attend the Reunion?
A class reunion
offers us an opportunity to take a look at who we once were in light of who we are now. We can let go of our past insecurities, guilt or fears. We can present our older, wiser and more experienced selves.
In exchange, we will see our classmates not necessarily as the people we remember, but as the people they are today. We can have fun and be grateful for the journey that has brought us together.